Creating custom HTML Helper Extension to generate Grid in ASP.NET MVC

In this article I will show the way of writing a custom HTML helper in ASP.NET MVC project to generate grid at runtime. Although, there are many JQuery controls and third party controls available that provide grid management functionalities but in certain cases you have to design controls to handle specific logic and conditions.

In one of my project I designed a grid control using TagBuilder that generates a grid at runtime on html page. I used Knockout and Knockout extensions to generate view model from the model associated to the view page. (Please note: in the below code snippets I have used Knockout and followed Knockout syntax for data binding and grid generation. You can learn knockout here)

First of all I created an HTMLExtension class marked as static. In ASP.NET MVC there are some out of the box HTML helpers provided like TextBoxFor, LabelFor etc. In order to generate our own HTML tags that work just like the standard HTML helpers provided in ASP.NET MVC framework we have to meet below conditions

  1. Class containing the HTML Helper method should be static
  2. First parameter should be preceded with this HtmlHelper;     indicates the HtmlHelper class that the extension method extends

Following is a code snippet of the custom Grid generation Html Helper method


IHtmlString GridFor<TModel>(this
HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, String modelView, Type type)



TagBuilder controlBuilder = new

controlBuilder.Attributes.Add(“style”, “border:1px;”);

var properties = type.GetProperties();


#region Header

TagBuilder thead = new

TagBuilder rowHeader = new

foreach (var property in properties)


var attrHeader = property.CustomAttributes.Where(i => i.AttributeType == typeof(Common.Facade.GridColumnAttribute)).ToList();

if (attrHeader.Count != 0)


var attributeHeader = attrHeader[0];

if (Convert.ToBoolean(attributeHeader.ConstructorArguments[1].Value) == false)


TagBuilder col = new

col.InnerHtml = attributeHeader.ConstructorArguments[0].Value.ToString();

rowHeader.InnerHtml += col.ToString();




thead.InnerHtml += rowHeader.ToString();

controlBuilder.InnerHtml = thead.ToString();



#region Rows and Columns


TagBuilder tbody = new

tbody.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “foreach: “ + modelView);

tbody.Attributes.Add(“style”, “width:100”);

TagBuilder row = new

foreach (var property in properties)


var attr = property.CustomAttributes.Where(i => i.AttributeType == typeof(Common.Facade.GridColumnAttribute)).ToList();

if (attr.Count != 0)


var attribute=attr[0];

if (Convert.ToBoolean(attribute.ConstructorArguments[1].Value) == false)


TagBuilder col = new

col.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “text: “ + property.Name);

row.InnerHtml += col.ToString();




tbody.InnerHtml += row.ToString();

controlBuilder.InnerHtml += tbody.ToString();






On the index.cshtml page I have used Knockout to create view models on the fly


ModelService.Persons = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.Persons));



ModelService.Persons represents the collection view model of the list shipped in ViewBag


Finally, you can place following line on your html page to render Grid at runtime.




In order to change the look and feel of the plain grid, you can define styles using css to the table rows and columns.

The above grid HTML helper method generates the column name based on the property name. In order to define custom column names we can define custom attribute and annotate that on each property of the properties Class. Below is a sample code snippet of the custom attribute containing few properties.


GridColumnAttribute : Attribute



string GridColName { set; get; }


bool IsHidden { set; get; }


public GridColumnAttribute(String Name, bool isHidden)


this.GridColName = Name;

this.IsHidden = isHidden;




We can annotate this attribute on our Person class like below (Note: Person is our Model class)



[GridColumn(“Id”, true)]

int Id { set; get; }



[GridColumn(“Name”, false)]

[StringLength(10, ErrorMessage=“Length cannot exceed to 10 character”)]

string Name { set; get; }


[GridColumn(“Department”, false)]

string Department{set;get;}



String EditLink { get { return
“Person/Edit/” + Id; } }


String DeleteLink { get { return
“Person/Delete/” + Id; } }


In the above code the EditLink and DeleteLink properties are defined to provide row level edit and delete options.

The extended version of the custom Grid HTML Helper method that supports row level editing, deleting and user defined column naming is as follows


IHtmlString GridFor<TModel>(this
HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, String modelView, Type type)



TagBuilder controlBuilder = new

controlBuilder.Attributes.Add(“style”, “border:1px;”);

var properties = type.GetProperties();


#region Header

TagBuilder thead = new

TagBuilder rowHeader = new

foreach (var property in properties)


var attrHeader = property.CustomAttributes.Where(i => i.AttributeType == typeof(Common.Facade.GridColumnAttribute)).ToList();

if (attrHeader.Count != 0)


var attributeHeader = attrHeader[0];

if (Convert.ToBoolean(attributeHeader.ConstructorArguments[1].Value) == false)


TagBuilder col = new

col.InnerHtml = attributeHeader.ConstructorArguments[0].Value.ToString();

rowHeader.InnerHtml += col.ToString();




thead.InnerHtml += rowHeader.ToString();

controlBuilder.InnerHtml = thead.ToString();



#region Rows and Columns


TagBuilder tbody = new

tbody.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “foreach: “ + modelView);

tbody.Attributes.Add(“style”, “width:100”);

TagBuilder row = new

foreach (var property in properties)


var attr = property.CustomAttributes.Where(i => i.AttributeType == typeof(Common.Facade.GridColumnAttribute)).ToList();

if (attr.Count != 0)


var attribute = attr[0];

if (Convert.ToBoolean(attribute.ConstructorArguments[1].Value) == false)


TagBuilder col = new

col.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “text: “ + property.Name);

row.InnerHtml += col.ToString();





TagBuilder editTd = new

TagBuilder editLink = new

editLink.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “attr: {href: EditLink}”);

editLink.InnerHtml = “Edit”;

editTd.InnerHtml += editLink.ToString();


row.InnerHtml += editTd.ToString();


TagBuilder deleteTd = new

TagBuilder deleteLink = new

deleteLink.Attributes.Add(“data-bind”, “attr: {href: DeleteLink}”);

deleteLink.InnerHtml = “Delete”;

deleteTd.InnerHtml += deleteLink.ToString();


row.InnerHtml += deleteTd.ToString();


tbody.InnerHtml += row.ToString();


controlBuilder.InnerHtml += tbody.ToString();






Now when you run the extended version following Grid will be generated.

Hope this helps!

Signing Outgoing Messages in BizTalk Server using AS2 protocol

In this article I will show to send encrypted and signed message to destination trading partner in BizTalk Server.

I was working on some project earlier this month in which we have to send EDI documents using AS2 protocol. I will not go into the detail of setting up an AS2 protocol and targeting to the audience who are already familiar with BizTalk Server EDI messaging and protocols like AS2 and X12.

For each source and destination trading partners we have to create two parties one for source and one for destination and using those parties you can create agreements. When creating an agreement you have a choice whether to use X12, AS2 or EDIFACT protocol. Here I have used AS2 protocol. Each protocol have different set of attributes and methods to send messages.

Message can be signed using Certificates in BizTalk. You can create a test certificate using Visual Studio command line utility makecert. Certificate is a combination of private/public key pairs. For all outgoing messages BizTalk uses the private key to sign the messages and public key to encrypt the messages.

  • The private key .pfx file has to be imported in the Current User/Personal/Certificates folder.
  • The public key .cer file has to be imported in the Local Computer/Other People/Certificates folder.

Now you have to enable the encryption and sign options on the Validation tab of the Agreement window.



Make sure to restart the application instance. The message will be encrypted and signed using the private public key of the certificates.